Welcome to the space station Cardania
Home to the greatest adventure and opportunity in the Ultraverse. Cultivate lands, battle rivals, and explore the mysteries of the Summoning Pool in a web3 RPG where you are the true owner of your rewards.
Epoch Wars
Each Cardano Epoch, the Factions of Cardania meet in the exhilarating contest of righteous combat. Join the fight and bring honor to your faction.
Epoch Wars Battle Feed






Choose Your Faction
The Factions of Cardania have evolved over millennia. Sometimes allied, others warring, but never at rest. Each faction brings its own history and ethos as well as its own strengths and weaknesses.







Void Priests

The Technomages
Through generations of discovery and scientific inquiry, the Technomages have unlocked many of the ancient mysteries of Cardania. Perhaps more machine than human, members of this faction derive their strength through use of bio-enhancements, cybernetic implants, nanite injections and neural stimulants.

Solar Barbarians
"The Solars" are genetically gifted, physically massive specimens of humanity. A powerful tribe of sun worshipping humans who once left Earth to colonize the stars. They now carve a tribal life in the hinterlands, enjoying the fruits of conquest and building toward the day that the Solar Empire will rise again.

Solar Barbarians
"The Solars" are genetically gifted, physically massive specimens of humanity. A powerful tribe of sun worshipping humans who once left Earth to colonize the stars. They now carve a tribal life in the hinterlands, enjoying the fruits of conquest and building toward the day that the Solar Empire will rise again.

Many citizens choose to live within the relatively orderly boundaries of Imperator control. While their laws can be stringent and punishments severe, it's a small price to pay for not being consumed by Void Worms in the wastes. Imperators are motivated by ensuring humanity survives, no matter the sacrifices or moral ambiguities that requires.

The one constant in Cardania are the enigmatic hive of self replicating artificial intelligence. The Custodians tirelessly build, repair, and makes habitable the megastructure. While many speculate that their prime directive is benevolent for humanity, others have observed rogue behavior that indicates there may be underlying errors in their programming.

The Fungus
A species of intelligent fungal based lifeforms that dwell primarily under the surface of Cardania. The Fungus enjoys a diverse evolutionary tree - Some are considered violent nuisances, while others engage with humanity as benevolent, spiritual guides. The Fungus are thought to be nearly as ancient as the Custodians.

The Spacers
"Spacer" is the name given to those Cardanians who eschew the gravity bound life and instead choose to build and run their own ships. Spacers tend to live fast and die young. Some successful spacers have managed to create their own orbital stations.

Void Priests
Legends hold that Cardania itself is a massive living entity, of great spiritual power. For generations, the Void Priests have worshipped Cardania as nothing less than a deity. Through secretive traditions, the Priests harness raw psychic energy and dark technology to create miracles and rain holy destruction upon their enemies.

$RAD, The Currency of Cardania
$RAD is a Cardano Native Token and the principal currency of Cardania. Terraform owners and delegators to SUMN earn $RAD each Cardano Epoch and may spend it in-game on a variety of upgrades, consumables and cosmetics.
$RAD is the foundation of a dynamic in-game economy, with 7.5B $RAD in circulation and over 900M spent in-game by players.
Cardania is home to 20,000 resource producing Terraform NFTs. Every Cardano Epoch, Terraforms produce $RAD and Resources based on their individual attributes. Terraforms and the $RAD and Resources they produce are player-owned Cardano native tokens.
Quest for Glory and Riches
Terraforms are the staging ground for Epoch Wars, the central conflict of Cardania. Mount attacks from your lands and enjoy the bountiful spoils of victory. Terraforms also unlock quests each epoch with rich lore and NFT loot.
Fortify with Citadel
Invest your Terraform’s Resources into improving your battle posture with Citadel. Citadel is made up of 9 components that amplify strength, range, XP gain, and Resource acquisition.
Extend your Reach
Amplify your range and attack power with Cardania NFTs such as Starships, Citizens, ETU Trading Cards, weapons, and Ultrabots. The assets you own and attach to your Terraforms extend their range, attack power and defensive capability.

Resource Tokens
Cardania Terraforms produce Resource Tokens each Cardano Epoch. Resources may spend it in-game on a variety of upgrades, consumables and cosmetics. Every Cardania Resource is a Cardano Native Token that the player owns and may self-custody, trade, or sell independent of Cardania.

When assigned to Terraforms, Cardania’s Citizens add Attack and Defense and provide vital farming duties, increasing per-epoch yield.
Starships add range, attacks/epoch and attack power when assigned to Terraforms. Starships come in 5 models with 20 variations and hundreds of possible loadouts. When you’re not attacking other Terraforms in Epoch Wars, race your starships in Nebula Run, a fun, fast-paced PvP racing game that leverages the unique attributes of each starship.

Enter the Ultraverse
Enter the Ultraverse is a trading card game built for the Block Chain. Payers have real ownership of their unopened packs and trading cards, granting the freedom to trade collectables freely.
ETU cards have many uses in Epoch Wars, including ETU Duel, a boss-fighting style mini-game with NFT loot. The full ETU PVP game is currently in development.
The perfect companion to any Cardania Citizen, Ultrabots come in over 280 variations and add attack, defense, range, and XP gain when equiped from a player’s inventory. Ultrabots may also be attached to Terraforms for a spirit buff that will be vital to the player in ETU Duel.
At its heart, Cardania is a community. Join us and see what makes Cardania the raddest destination in the Ultraverse.